Over a period of time most older Park Homes will require some type of outer wall refurbishment, from drip bar replacement to reboarding one side of your home which faces the westerly weather fronts or completely re-boarding all walls which have perished through lack of maintenance.
Our re-boarding service is tailored to repair and protect your home.
Most older Park Homes were manufactured using inadequate thin plywood on the outer walls which is prone to rotting over a period of time.
When we carry out a wall refurbishment we remove the old rotten wall boards which also allows us to inspect and repair the framework of your home.
The frame is then covered with 12mm Multi-Pro XS non rotting & non combustible Magnesium Oxide board which is fitted using non rusting stainless steel screws, the board is primed & texture coated using the hand trowel & roller method to provide a traditional bark effect finish.
This product will give you the original appearance of your Park Home without the worries of long term wall rot.